Anastasia's hosting a contest over on her blog, to create up to 5 unique looks. There's still a little under a week left, so enter!
I was inspired by the Greek legend of Ouranos and Gaia, the

Ouranos is the son and lover of Gaia. He is often depicted as a bronze dome, studded with the stars (silver and gold in my mind). Ouranos, or Uranus as the Romans later knew him, was also sometimes seen as Aion, the timeless one, father of Time, which in my mind, further pounds home the imagery of metals.

I tried to portray this by putting gold on the lid, smoking bronze a little past the crease, and lining with silver. The highlight under the brow is also a teeny bit of silver. For the blush I think I used tarte cheek stain in Fierce, an elegant red. The lips are, I think, a bronze lip gloss mixed with something with silver in it.

Gaia is the mother of all the gods, and quite the temptress! Ouranos was only one of her lovers. She helped her sons/grandsons overthrow their father when Ouranos tried to lock them away, and helped her descendants when history repeated itself a generation later.

Gaia is independent and unpredicable, and I tried to recreate that by adding a pop of lime green to the inner half of a basic brown smokey eye (am not good at blending. Apologies). The cheeks are tarte cheek stain in Chic, a fun peach. The lips were originally nude, but i dabbed Chic on top, because the look was too dead for one as alive as Gaia! The end look was perhaps a bit younger than what I was aiming for, but hey, a lady never shows her true age. ;P [ Keep reading ]